With 2022 drawing to a close, we will be taking a break from blogs, newsletters, etc until after the end of the year. This is the time we use to make plans for the New Years, assign ourselves goals and find out how we did on last year's resolutions!
Assuming all goes well, we plan to return to blog posts Tuesday or Wednesdays of each week, the newsletter coming out on the first Friday of each month and our YouTube channel getting at least one video a month.
In addition, we will be partnering closely this year with the San Clemente Island Goat Breeder Association for a new, year-long project called "The Complete Capra: Tip to Tail." This will be a series of videos, interviews and writings on the many uses of goats and how this can apply to SCIs.
All materials will be available to share with friends and family who love goats, have considered getting goats or who might be interested in trying out a new breed! We hope you will join us on this very-intensive project - the more comments, questions, ideas, etc that we get for future editions of this project the better!
We will also be reaching out to all of you a bit in 2023. We have plateaued a bit on our forward progress, and we need the help of our community to continue making progress with these wonderful breeds. Some initial thoughts:
If you aren't signed up for all our social media platforms, please do! We post different information on Facbook, YouTube, Instagram and the web site, so we promise it won't get boring!
Please share our information with others and encourage them to sign up. We cannot continue to develop our herds without assistance from grants, and in order to qualify we have to show an increased interest.
Donate your time. If you live nearby, we always need help around the farm with fencing, animals care, clean up and other farm-related activities.
Donate supplies. Again, if you live nearby we are always in need of fencing, wood for projects, feed, garden leftovers and other materials. We are quite happy to reuse other people's cast-offs as long as they are still usable!
Purchase from our web site or at one of our events. You can find farm products under the "Support our Farm" tab.
Hire us for an event. We have done talks for home schooling families, new homesteading groups, libraries, town events and more. We are insured to have groups visit our farm and for us to travel to you.
Hire us to write for you. Sherri has an extensive resume writing for magazines, newsletters, blogs and more. We'd love to be a guest writer for your organization or business!
Encourage your children's schools to use us for field trips. We have written educational planning in place to meet educational goals, we are insured and who doesn't love fuzzy animals!
Support our partners. Subscribe to Goat Journal, Backyard Poultry, Countryside, Hobby Farm, Self Reliance, Grit Magazine, or Backyard Beekeeping and make sure they know you are looking for articles we write (hint: many have holiday sales on right now!). Join the SCIGBA Facebook page and name drop us! Even better, join the SCIGBA with a yearly membership and support their work with these critically endangered animals. Donate to The Livestock Conservancy and ask them to partner more closely with us. Join the Shave 'Em to Save 'Em program to encourage more breeders to consider endangered fiber breeds.
Contact us with your ideas! Got a way to help that I didn't list? Let us know! Got suggestions about things you'd like us to cover in the blog/newsletter - help us brainstorm! Have questions about our animals - ask away!
As you can see, there are lots of things you can do to help us out! Most take very little time and/or money and would be a huge help to our work.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout 2022 and we look forward to seeing you in 2023!