We are making some big updates at Saffron and Honey on our social media and web site and we just wanted to take a quick minute to tell you all about them!
First, we now have an Instagram account! You can find us at saffronandhoneyhomestead and we will have photos and videos galore on a daily basis! Some may be repeats of what we have here, but most of them will be pictures and videos we could find a reason to use here, but that we really liked anyway!
Also, we are in the process of updating the "Critters" pages! Our information on San Clemente Island Goats is complete and we've got introductions to our pups. We plan to have our American Buff Geese done by the end of the day and the rest completed by the end of the week!
Please keep in mind, these pages are summaries of the breeds only. We will be posting in the future on health, housing and histories, as well as how we raise them here. You can sign up for the blog on our Home Page in order to get updates about future articles and information on upcoming animal sales. You can follow us on Facebook too!
And now for the daily requirement of cute animal pictures.
Enjoy and may you have a goosie day: