As some of you may or may not know, the San Clemente Island goat is a critically endangered breed of goat. Their numbers have been growing, but they still remain in great danger of extinction.
The San Clemente Island Goat Breeders Association is a non-profit organization that exists for breeders to support one another, share genetics and ask advice. The organization will be rolling out a membership program in the near future, to give each and every breeder a voice in the future of these wonderful creatures. Please join their group to get more details as this develops
Our donation to this cause is the development of a music video illustrating a brief history of the breed's tragic decline and the progress made towards their rebounding numbers. This was made possible by donations from a number of breeders (see the complete list after the video) and permission from Black Cat Road to use their song "Stand Up." Thank you to all the members of the band and I encourage everyone to check them out!
Clips and articles were supplied by (in no particular order):
Sarah Howell, president of the SCIGBA and owner of Skara Brae Homestead
Laurel Sherrie of Bella Vita Canyon
Laura Griffin Farrell of Temple Hill Farm
And our own lovely goats at Saffron and Honey Homestead!
Articles were found from a variety of sources, including the Federal Register, 1977, LA Times, Associated Press, The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (Now the Livestock Conservancy), Dairy Goat Journal, the American Goat Association, Islapedia and The Country Today. A full (organized) list of all citations will be included in the finished product!