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Saffron & Honey

Take-Your-Petal to Work Day!

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

In the admin office

Yesterday was a very special day for Little Petal! We combined all the skills she's been learning - travel, meeting strange people and of course her little diaper! - into one day-long, test run trip. Yup! Little Petal went to work!

Yesterday was the company holiday celebration. Everyone, clients and staff alike, have been under a lot of stress this year, as have we all. With permission, Petal and her little diaper spent the day walking the halls, greeting clients and generally getting a lot of surprised reactions! She also got a lot of smiles and a lot of pets! Of course, she got the occasional eye roll too, but we decided those people have no sense of humor.

Petal with The Boss!

She had a few selfies taken, got to hang out in the admin office for awhile and ate some lettuce. She also took a couple of cozy naps in her dog crate and on her blanket while I... you know... worked. And when the security guy made a comment about eating goats, she tried her best to pee on his floor. Twice.Thank goodness for diapers!

She even did great when a couple of people got a little fresh. Can you imagine, they grabbed her horns! Harassment! But no one was head butted, or even blatted at. She just moved to the side and looked at the reproachfully. I think they learned their lessons!

Can I sit in this chair?

We did have one little accident where the combination of a lost diaper and the need to tinkle resulted in the perfect storm, but it was nothing a few Lysol wipes couldn't take care of, and we actually learned some great lessons about how to help the diapers stay on better so there won't be any future issues.

We also discovered Petal is NOT happy if Mamma leaves her, but no goats were allowed in the lunch room (thanks to the aforementioned Grumpy People) so she stayed in her crates, listened to some soft classic rock and blatted a bit in protest.

All in all she was very well behaved, but very tired by the end of it all and happy to go home.

A little more practice and Petal will definitely be ready for her debut as an educational/therapy goat! Her job - as long as she stays little enough - will be to travel around and help people learn more about endangered livestock breeds. We hope to use her at fairs, at the Homestead and perhaps eventually in classrooms and craft fairs! Clover may also play a part to give Petal a break now and then, but Petal is so small (aka, mobile) that she seems built for the job. She may be able half the size of her siblings, but she makes a great display model.

Thank you Petal for playing such a great role in helping to save your breed!

So undignified...

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