Here at Saffron and Honey Homestead, we try and live in harmony with the environment as much as we can. We try to find ways to allow our animals as much freedom as we can, and allow them to live according to their natures when we can. We understand that it is our job, as their caretakers, to protect them, but we try to to ever let this interfere with the quality of their lives
However, sometimes there simply isn't a choice. Recently the Avian Flu has been found in the state of Maine, and the danger of cross contamination remains high until at least after migration season is over. Avian flu is primarily carries by wild waterfowl and kills or sickens 90-100% of domestic birds. If it is discovered in even one bird on our property, all of our birds will have to be put down. Biosecurity has become paramount.
So, for their own good our feathered friends will be going in for awhile. The ducks and geese will be mad, but the only other choice risks their lives, especially with our pond attracting wild ducks and the occasional heron. The geese especially are going to miss playing in the puddles that form on top of the ice. We will have to dig out the kiddie pool early this year!
We only have materials and time to build one new run, so this really puts a damper on our plans for purebred chicks this year. The Favorelles and cochins will need to stay snuggly for awhile, so we expect some sharing of genetics will go on!
Makes us wonder what fluffy faces and fluffy legs together are going to look like!